Friday, November 13, 2009

Red Faction Guerrilla review

Red Faction Guerrilla


Ok first off I was a huge fan of the original red faction for the ps2 that came out several years ago. The idea of destroying your environment was a huge plus. I cant count how many hours my brother and me (mike) played red faction every wed night, by the time we got done with a multiplayer game the map was no longer recognizable. However, it had its limits…not everything was fully destructible.

Red Faction Guerilla fixed that. EVERYTHING (except rocks and such) is fully destructible. If you don’t like the looks of that building…tear it down. If a convoy is coming under a bridge…be creative and set charges on the bridges main supports and wait for the convoy to pass under it, then let the carnage and girlish like giggling ensue. This time the world is free roaming allowing you to run freely and choose which missions you want to do in the order you want to do them in. The missions are various different types, from creatively destroying of certain targets with limited resources to rescuing hostages from the evil red faction. All in all a pretty solid one player title.

Story mode (1 player)

The story mode follows an interesting plot of a military faction known as the red faction basically doing very bad things in bad ways. Thus, an uprising from the planets workers (aka miners, demolitions experts and so on). The whole point of the game is to drive the red faction off the red planet. The story is pretty solid and easy to follow, but yet simplistic. The voice acting is subpar with not bad plot writing. The real drive to the game is the DESTRUCTION!!! Yes, the make me giggle like a child as I blow up two silos in such a way that the collapse onto a big building killing everything inside in one stroke type of giggling. The type of destruction that appeases the manly need to destroy. Other than that there isn’t much else to the game.


The online offers a few cool modes but all in all the main menu is hard to navigate and understand, the ranking is not very recognizable and obscure. The maps are short and is hard to tell one from the next in general look and feel. This is not a title to buy for the online.


There is however a mode in the game that almost makes this game worth buying all on its own if you play with friends in person ( a concept that is hard to grasp now a days). Yes people in the same room can pass a controller around and see who can do the most destruction within the modes various game types and weapons. A good way to kill a couple of hours of enjoyment with friends.


7.5 out of 10

A sold game with little to no replay value and an online mode not worth playing.

...Joe wilson...

1 comment:

  1. Excellent game to play with friends in the same room lol. Musch fun is had by all.
